One stop destination for all Architectural, Civil, Structural, & BIM needs.

Website Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy Statement

This is the website privacy policy and cookies statement from OneStop AEC (hereafter can also be called “OSA,” ‘’we,” “us,” “our”). This privacy statement applies to all the website visitors (hereafter can also be called as “you,” “user,” “visitors,” “website visitors,” “site visitors”) of We request the visitors to go through the policy statements and the use of cookies and agree to the terms and conditions before using this website. We recommend all the website visitors to immediately stop using the site if they do not agree to the terms and conditions mentioned or elaborated on this page.

Information We May Collect

In many instances, we may collect information about the website visitors submitted by them or through third-party applications to make the website browsing experience or our services better for you.

Personal Information

We may collect personal information such as – name, company name, email id, contact number, postal address, profile & account data, etc. With this policy statement, OSA makes it clear that all the personally identifiable information (PII) that we collect from you through calls, inquiries, questions, or your requests for a service call, information, or consultation. We never rent, sell, publish, or distribute any of this PII information at any point in time. All this PII information is collected by your consent and is used only to provide you with the required information or better services.

Technical Information

We may also collect a few technical information such as the device that the visitor has used to access our website or contact our team, internet browser used by the user, IP address of the user’s device, cookies stored on the user’s device, demography data, location data, internet provider, and timestamp of usage of our website. All this information is usually stored in the user’s devices used to contact or access our website and not on our website or servers. Unless the user consents, we never use or collect these technical data that is used only to better your experiences on our website.

Cookies and Automatic Collection Methods

For the sole purpose of behavioral analysis to provide you better browsing experience, the following automatic information collection methods are used by OneStop AEC:

  • Website Logs: Log files that automatically capture and keep a log of your website visits and browsing across our website.
  • Cookies: These are basically user-session information that is stored on your device used to access our website.
  • Web Beacons: Image data embedded into emails or websites that send user information regarding users’ interactions with our website.


Option to Opt-out of Google Analytics Advertising Feature

OneStop AEC has enabled Google Analytics to collect the data regarding the interaction and engagement of users with our website to further improve our website. If you select not to provide any personal information to us through the Google Analytics Advertising feature, then please click the


Information Privacy and Data Security

OneStop AEC follows all the possible global data security and information privacy practices and global guidelines. Even with every possible measure at OSA to protect data against data theft, due to the very nature of data theft, we are unable to guaranty users’ personal information always.

In this context, OSA requests our website visitors to be vigilant about their personal data when browsing on the internet and follow the suggested information security and data privacy best practices that may include the following:

  • Accounts and profiles must be reviewed periodically.
  • Anti-spam, anti-malware, and anti-virus software need to be installed and updated on all the devices used for internet browsing.
  • All the accounts need to be logged off after completing the session, especially on public or shared devices.
  • Account or profile passwords must adhere to the suggested standard practices and should be changed periodically.


Contact OneStop AEC

OSA requests all our website visitors to visit our privacy policy page for the latest updates before using our website. Also, at any point in time, if you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at –